Dessert Menu

Pastry Dessert Menu

Our online dessert gallery is small, but we do offer other variety of french desserts depending on the day. Below are a list of desserts offered everyday fresh.

  1. Croissants (Chocolate, Almond, Blueberry Creme Cheese, Apple Croissant, Ham & Cheese)
  2. Fruit Tarts (Blueberry Custard, Raspberry Almond, Peach Custard, Pecan Tart, Lemon, Apple Custard, Strawberry Custard)
  3. Cookies (Almond Cookie, Peanut Butter, Chocolate Chip, Butter Cookie, Orange Cookie, Ginger Bread, Short Bread)
  4. Coffee Cakes (Blueberry, Blueberry Creme Cheese, Cherry Creme Cheese, Peach, Almond, Banana Nut, Cinnamon Apple, Butter Pound, Apple, Cranberry Cake)
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